Sunday, April 8, 2012

Media Influences...........

This week’s blog topic is pretty much an open forum, so the topic I have decided to blog about is the degree of control our post modernistic media puts into our minds within television. I do not intend to do any more then rant about topics I feel personally engrossed with. Other then traditional feedback from followers, the catch this week I would like from my blog followers though is rather than receive feedback saying good job and what not. This week I would like to hear open thoughts stating whether or not you agree with me and why in a short response to my blog. Another possible reply I would be open to hear from you all is an example of your own if you would like about how media influences your perception on things so that I can possibly learn something new.
 The first area of media I would like to focus on is the most present and dominant form of media in our world, which (for now) is television, though the internet is on its way to replacing television. The view that television really concerns me is in children’s (pre-teen age) programs. In television I remember watching when I was a child we saw traditional families and more appropriate ideals for children to follow, however now the majority of television seems to encourage far too many adult themes into the minds of children. It is good that children grow up being independent and make these decisions when they feel capable and prepared to, but when so many shows and programs follow the same general themes and patterns of message portrayal I feel that this leads to an increased social pressure for children to make adult-like decisions that they may make a decision that they may not completely want to at far too early of an age.
  Another area of concern that television has made me feel lately is the increase in advertising. Usually commercials don’t bother me because they make excellent bathroom breaks,  chances to check on something I am cooking, or any kind of miniature break from television to do whatever else I need to do. But in the last ten years I have noticed that advertisement has increased in both number of commercials and duration of them too. Most shows are now becoming a few minutes shorter then they were as I was growing up. A newer idea in advertising that has been maximized lately is the idea of product placement in television programs. The best example of product placement would be taken from the television show “Two and a half men”, a show that I used to absolutely love until that moron Chuck Lorre ticked off Charlie Sheen into quitting, then to replace him with a not so good actor but better looking Ashton Kutcher and then start to make episodes that just suck in comparison to the original format rather than just come up with a new television show altogether. From the kind of beer in Charlie Sheen’s hand to the cars the characters are seen driving, to even the most mundane and subtle little detail of the fast food the fat kid in that show has in hand when walking into the scene, these are the most subtle and subliminally influential kinds of ways to steer the audience in that general direction. The demographic research that these industries do now tells them everything necessary to send a message that may be more influential to that audience. The usual followers of a television show are then regularly influenced without even realizing it. This bothers me because in one sense it is influencing me to make unnecessary decisions, but the underlying premise of this is the subtle manipulation of advertising that is being placed into my mind subliminally and against my will. Does any small urge I may have to eat, whether or not I am even really hungry, truly require me to follow an instant impulse to go out to Taco Bell or McDonalds simply because I am watching a certain television show? I am being coerced mentally to do something that I do not entirely want to do.
  Another component of media influence that I have noticed and dislike is the ever-growing influence of politics in media. The general themes that we notice in media and politics re based off of biased research into public perceptions, which is then put into parameters to be edited for television set to lead people to draw inaccurate/incomplete conclusions about issues in our everyday lives. This is mostly accomplished through the news. As we are upon elections soon, we will see snippets of candidates propositions and beliefs on issues portrayed as if what is displayed in the news are completely accurate and honest entire portrayals of what each candidate is about. The realistic nature of media is to capitalize the television time as best as possible. The influence that media has on everyday people has actually been partial basis to the US Supreme Court’s intention to influence a political monopoly on media through elections of certain officials (the underlying is some of the basis of this is in a 100+ page 2010 US Supreme Court case called Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission) within 30-60 days of elections political figures are more restricted now. Hillary Clinton at one time in the 2008 election had nearly gotten in trouble for being shown on either HBO or Showtime hour long appearance of some kind, but due to the law the appearance was not allowed, the basis being the potential for influencing people to her cause in a disproportionate manner. Things like news appearances are acceptable because the news is supposed to be a neutral portrayal of entire perspectives, but for a political figure to abuse potential connections for a monopoly of influence that other candidates may not have the same connections is not considered legal. Though this does borderline violating the 1st amendment rights to free speech and press and may have contributed to the Republicans 2008 presidential election, there is clearly a connection with how dominant the media is used to influence our minds. And for television corporations to have the power to influence the regiments of our governments is an entirely scary power to leave completely unhindered to being without any kind of control or limitations.
 In conclusion, my feelings on media are generally that media clearly has the potential to dominate the decisions that most people can make. I am not entirely against television, I am a person who wants to be in control of making my own decisions on my own accord. The influence that media is growing to have more of by the day could easily one day borderline complete mind control if we allow ourselves to become controlled by the media. The media conglomerates are not to blame for the influence though, it is all of the pressure our society places on selling that leads to such a need for research to learn how to more effectively influence people. A direct consequence of increased desire to influence is driven by corporations to maximize on one part of the market alone. A consequence now is that since it has worked for one, there is potential for anybody to have even more influence people in the same general method. Though I worry that the internet has more potential, I also know that it is also far more limited to our control of what we want to be viewing. That is why I plan to be buying TV through Netflix,, Hulu,, and the other many forms of digital television that are available. While there is the same potential for influence, there are far less commercials as well as actually having a more diverse and unrestricted choice in what I can watch at a far less price than satellite and cable offer on a yearly basis.


  1. I like your post. It is very detailed. Great blog.

    1. I agree with you TV is nothing like it used to be when I grew up. That was probably even a few more years before you were born??? TV back then was more family oriented, not all the violence and crime that we see now. Even the cartoons have a lot of ACTION and mean things. Our children to day are seeing too much bad stuff way to early. They are getting too many ideas to try things way before they should no anything about certain things.

  2. I agree with you, TV has too much drama, violence and action for our children today. When I grew up, which was probably before you were born, we had more family oriented shows. Not all the bad, mean stuff our children see today. They start at a young age and they see things on TV and they want to try things, way before they should know anything about what they are trying.

  3. I strongly agree with you! Great blog, very detailed!!

  4. Wow, you were wound up. I hope you got it off your chest. ha ha ha. You are right that TV has changed. I think it is up to us, as adults, to control what we watch on TV and what our children watch on TV. We should block certain channels and certain shows from being viewed in our homes. We do that at our house. Anytime a show portrays disrespect from children towards their parents, we change channels. Anytime a show portrays too much sexual content, we change channels. Anytime a show has vulgar language, we change channels. That is why we watch a lot of HGTV and ESPN at our house. I personally don't think that the internet will ever replace television. But I am afraid that all forms of media has caused us to lose the simplicity of life. And that's a shame.

  5. LOL!!!! Yes Mrs. Judy, she is mad!!! But what she is saying is soooo true. For example, The Simpsons, Americas Dad, etc. That's why I leave my tv on Nick Jr. and Disney channel.

  6. Thr media does somehow dominate the decisions that most people can make.

  7. I agree with you on this. I leave my tv on Nick Jr. most of the time except for when I am watching the Walton's. If there are any shows I want to watch I tape them and watch them while she is napping or when she goes to bed.
